函数原型:AlphaBlend(HDC hdcDest,int nXOriginDest,int nYOriginDest,int nWidthDest,int hHeightDest,HDC hdcSrc,int nXOriginSrc,int nYOriginSrc,int nWidthSrc,int nHeightSrc,BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction);
如果AlphaFormat字段的值是AC_SRC_ALPHA,源设备表面的每个像素必须有各自的alpha通道。即,必须是32-bpp的物理设备上下文,或是选中了32-bpp DDB和DIB段的内存设备上下文。这些情况下,每个源像素有4个8位通道:红、绿、蓝和alpha。每个像素的alpha通道和SourceConstantAlpha字段一起用于把源和目标混合起来。
使用AlphaBlend,就必须将RGB格式的Canvas升级为ARGB的透明格式。比如,我们将黑色看成是RGB都为0的颜色,计算机的表达式为 0x000000,每两个0表示16进制的1个字节,而ARGB格式则为0xFF000000,其中最高字节的0xFF就是16进制的255,也就是说这个黑色是全部显示的。注意,计算机的术语和我们平时理解的百分比不一样,一般都以256为100%的概念,这也和RGB的取值范围一样。比如,一个半透明的黑色,就是0x80000000,0x80正好是16进制的128。AlphaBlend除了要考虑画布上原来的颜色,还要考虑到叠加颜色的RGB值和透明度,这一公式较复杂,而且也是技术核心,这里就不再罗列了,有兴趣的可以参考很多关于Photoshop实现原理的软件。
void DrawAlphaBlend (HWND hWnd, HDC hdcwnd)
HDC hdc; // handle of the DC we will create
BLENDFUNCTION bf; // structure for alpha blending
HBITMAP hbitmap; // bitmap handle
BITMAPINFO bmi; // bitmap header
VOID *pvBits; // pointer to DIB section
ULONG ulWindowWidth, ulWindowHeight; // window width/height
ULONG ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight; // bitmap width/height
RECT rt; // used for getting window dimensions
UINT32 x,y; // stepping variables
UCHAR ubAlpha; // used for doing transparent gradient
UCHAR ubRed;
UCHAR ubGreen;
UCHAR ubBlue;
float fAlphaFactor; // used to do premultiply
// get window dimensions
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rt);
// calculate window width/height
ulWindowWidth = rt.right - rt.left;
ulWindowHeight = rt.bottom -;
// make sure we have at least some window size
if ((!ulWindowWidth) || (!ulWindowHeight))
// divide the window into 3 horizontal areas
ulWindowHeight = ulWindowHeight / 3;
// create a DC for our bitmap -- the source DC for AlphaBlend
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcwnd);
// zero the memory for the bitmap info
ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
// setup bitmap info
// set the bitmap width and height to 60% of the width and height of each of the three horizontal areas. Later on, the blending will occur in the center of each of the three areas.
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = ulWindowWidth - (ulWindowWidth/5)*2;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = ulWindowHeight - (ulWindowHeight/5)*2;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; // four 8-bit components
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = ulBitmapWidth * ulBitmapHeight * 4;
// create our DIB section and select the bitmap into the dc
hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
// in top window area, constant alpha = 50%, but no source alpha
// the color format for each pixel is 0xaarrggbb
// set all pixels to blue and set source alpha to zero
for (y = 0; y < x =" 0;">
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0x7f; // half of 0xff = 50% transparency
bf.AlphaFormat = 0; // ignore source alpha channel
if (!AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5, ulWindowHeight/5,
ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight,
hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf))
return; // alpha blend failed
// in middle window area, constant alpha = 100% (disabled), source
// alpha is 0 in middle of bitmap and opaque in rest of bitmap
for (y = 0; y < x =" 0;"> (int)(ulBitmapWidth/5)) && (x < (ulBitmapWidth-ulBitmapWidth/5)) && (y > (int)(ulBitmapHeight/5)) && (y < (ulBitmapHeight-ulBitmapHeight/5))) //in middle of bitmap: source alpha = 0 (transparent). // This means multiply each color component by 0x00. // Thus, after AlphaBlend, we have a, 0x00 * r, // 0x00 * g,and 0x00 * b (which is 0x00000000) // for now, set all pixels to red ((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = 0x00ff0000; else // in the rest of bitmap, source alpha = 0xff (opaque) // and set all pixels to blue ((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = 0xff0000ff; } } bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; bf.BlendFlags = 0; bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; // use source alpha bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xff; // opaque (disable constant alpha) if (!AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5, ulWindowHeight/5+ulWindowHeight, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf)) return;
// bottom window area, use constant alpha = 75% and a changing
// source alpha. Create a gradient effect using source alpha, and
// then fade it even more with constant alpha
ubRed = 0x00;
ubGreen = 0x00;
ubBlue = 0xff;
for (y = 0; y < x =" 0;" ubalpha =" (UCHAR)((float)x" falphafactor =" (float)ubAlpha">
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; // use source alpha
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xbf; // use constant alpha, with
// 75% opaqueness
AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5,
ulWindowHeight/5+2*ulWindowHeight, ulBitmapWidth,
ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth,
ulBitmapHeight, bf);
// do cleanup
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