对象管理器Object Manager
相关工具:Winobj, Handle, oh.exe, openfiles /query, !handle
Windows内部有两种类型的对象:执行体对象executive object,内核对象kernel object。执行体对象是由执行体的各种组件,如进程管理器,内存管理器,I/O子系统等实现的对象。内核对象是指由内核实现的一组更为基本的兑现,对用户模式的代码而言是不可见的,只在执行体内部被创建和使用,内核对象提供了最为基本的能力,如同步等。
执行体对象executive object:
Executive Objects Exposed to the Windows API | |
Object Type | Represents |
Symbolic link | A mechanism for referring to an object name indirectly. |
Process | The virtual address space and control information necessary for the execution of a set of thread objects. |
Thread | An executable entity within a process. |
Job | A collection of processes manageable as a single entity through the job. |
Section | A region of shared memory (known as a file mapping object in Windows). |
File | An instance of an opened file or an I/O device. |
Access token | The security profile (security ID, user rights, and so on) of a process or a thread. |
Event | An object with a persistent state (signaled or not signaled) that can be used for synchronization or notification. |
Semaphore | A counter that provides a resource gate by allowing some maximum number of threads to access the resources protected by the semaphore. |
Mutex* | A synchronization mechanism used to serialize access to a resource. |
Timer | A mechanism to notify a thread when a fixed period of time elapses. |
IoCompletion | A method for threads to enqueue and dequeue notifications of the completion of I/O operations (known as an I/O completion port in the Windows API). |
Key | A mechanism to refer to data in the registry. Although keys appear in the object manager namespace, they are managed by the configuration manager, in a way similar to that in which file objects are managed by file system drivers. Zero or more key values are associated with a key object; key values contain data about the key. |
WindowStation | An object that contains a clipboard, a set of global atoms, and a group of desktop objects. |
Desktop | An object contained within a window station. A desktop has a logical display surface and contains windows, menus, and hooks. |
Standard Object Header Attributes | |
Attribute | Purpose |
Object name | Makes an object visible to other processes for sharing |
Object directory | Provides a hierarchical structure in which to store object names |
Security descriptor | Determines who can use the object and what they can do with it (Note: it might be null for objects without a name.) |
Quota charges | Lists the resource charges levied against a process when it opens a handle to the object |
Open handle count | Counts the number of times a handle has been opened to the object |
Open handles list | Points to the list of processes that have opened handles to the object (not present for all objects) |
Object type | Points to a type object that contains attributes common to objects of this type |
Reference count | Counts the number of times a kernel-mode component has referenced the address of the object |
Generic Object Services | |
Service | Purpose |
Close | Closes a handle to an object |
Duplicate | Shares an object by duplicating a handle and giving it to another process |
Query object | Gets information about an object's standard attributes |
Query security | Gets an object's security descriptor |
Set security | Changes the protection on an object |
Wait for a single object | Synchronizes a thread's execution with one object |
Wait for multiple objects | Synchronizes a thread's execution with multiple objects |
Type Object Attributes | |
Attribute | Purpose |
Type name | The name for objects of this type ("process," "event," "port," and so on) |
Pool type | Indicates whether objects of this type should be allocated from paged or nonpaged memory |
Default quota charges | Default paged and nonpaged pool values to charge to process quotas |
Access types | The types of access a thread can request when opening a handle to an object of this type ("read," "write," "terminate," "suspend," and so on) |
Generic access rights mapping | A mapping between the four generic access rights (read, write, execute, and all) to the type-specific access rights |
Synchronization | Indicates whether a thread can wait for objects of this type |
Methods | One or more routines that the object manager calls automatically at certain points in an object's lifetime |
Object Methods | |
Method | When Method Is Called |
Open | When an object handle is opened |
Close | When an object handle is closed |
Delete | Before the object manager deletes an object |
Query | name When a thread requests the name of an object, such as a file, that exists in a secondary object namespace |
Parse | When the object manager is searching for an object name that exists in a secondary object namespace |
Security | When a process reads or changes the protection of an object, such as a file, that exists in a secondary object namespace |
对象句柄object handle:
对象句柄是一个索引,指向与进程相关的句柄表handle table中的表项。一个进程的句柄表包含了所有已被该进程打开的对象的指针。句柄表是一个三层结构,每个进程最多不超过16000000个句柄。最高层包含指向中间层的指针,中间层包含了指向句柄表的指针数组,最底层包含了子句柄表。Windows2000在进程创建时分配好三层,而xp和2003时只有最底层在创建进程时被分配好,其他层在需要的时候被创建。Windows2000中子句柄表包含255个可用表项,xp和2003中子句柄表包含的表项数等于能填满一页的表项数减1,这取决于系统平台上的页面大小和指针大小。
Windows 2000进程句柄表结构:
Windows 2000句柄表项结构:
P: 调用者是否允许关闭该句柄。
I: 继承标志,指明了该进程创建的子进程是否可以在它们的句柄表中有一份拷贝。继承性可以在句柄创建的时候指定,或通过SetHandleInformation指定。
A: 关闭该对象时是否应该产生一个审计消息,仅在对象管理器内部使用。
内核句柄表kernel handle table (ObpKernelHandleTable),只在内核模式下可以访问,用户模式应用程序无法访问。
对象安全性Object security:
当一个进程创建一个对象或者打开一个指向已有对象的句柄时,必须指定一组期望的访问权限desired access rights. 对象管理器调用安全饮用监视器security reference monitor来检查该对象的安全描述符是否允许该进程所请求的访问类型,如果允许则返回一组准许的访问权限granted access rights,允许该进程得到这些权限,同时将它们存放在所创建的对象句柄中。
对象保持力object retention:
Temporary, 只有在使用过程中才保留着,当不再需要时会被释放掉。
Permanent, 一直保留,直到显式释放掉。
第一阶段,名称保持力name retention, 每次当一个进程打开一个对象的句柄时,对象管理器就会将该对象的头信息中的已打开句柄计数器增加1;当进程用完了该对象并且关闭句柄时,对象管理器相应递减句柄计数器。当计数器减至0时,对象管理器从它的全局名字空间中删除该对象,避免新的进程再打开指向该对象的句柄。
第二阶段,当对象不再有用时,停止保留对象本身。对象管理器每次提供一个指向该对象的指针时,就会递增一个专门用于该对象的引用计数reference count.会随着句柄计数器而变化。所以即使当一个对象的句柄计数器达到0,该对象的引用计数器仍可能是正数,表明操作系统仍在使用该对象。
资源记账resource accounting, 对象管理器提供了一个中心设施来实现资源记账,每个对象头都包含配额花费quota charge属性,记录了当一个进程的线程打开一个指向该对象的句柄时,对象管理器从该进程在分页/分分页池中分配得到的配额中该减去多少。可以通过设置HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Session Manager\Memory Management中的NonPagedPoolQuota, PagedPoolQuota和PagingFileQuota来修改。
对象名称Object name:
Standard Object Directories | |
Directory | Types of Object Names Stored |
\GLOBAL?? (\?? in Windows 2000) | MS-DOS device names (\DosDevices is a symbolic link to this directory.) |
\BaseNamedObjects | Mutexes, events, semaphores, waitable timers, and section objects |
\Callback | Callback objects |
\Device | Device objects |
\Driver | Driver objects |
\FileSystem | File system driver objects and file system recognizer device objects |
\KnownDlls | Section names and path for known DLLs (DLLs mapped by the system at startup time) |
\Nls | Section names for mapped national language support tables |
\ObjectTypes | Names of types of objects |
\RPC Control | Port objects used by remote procedure calls (RPCs) |
\Security | Names of objects specific to the security subsystem |
\Windows | Windows subsystem ports and window stations |
对象目录object directory, 对象管理器通过对象目录支持层次命名。维护了足够多的信息以便将这些对象名称转译为指向这些对象本身的指针。
符号链接symbolic link, 引用一个符号链接对象名称时,对象管理器遍历名字空间,直到找到该符号链接,然后检查该符号链接,找到能取代该符号链接名的字符串,然后利用该字符串查找对象名称。如A:, COM1等。
会话名字空间session namespace:
一个登录到控制台会话上的用户可以访问全局名字空间,是第一个名字空间实例。另外的会话都可以获得该名字空间的一个私有视图即局部名字空间。对象管理器在于用户会话相关联的目录下,创建\DosDevices, \Windows, \BaseNamedObjects三个目录的私有版本,从而实现了会话名字空间。
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